Is it possible to play sports or exercise with a hernia? Yes you can. What are the prerequisites you need to take for safe physical activity with a hernia? First, you need clearance from your doctor for your specific case before you can safely perform these tasks. It is important to note that there are different types of hernia and depending on their type and size, you may be required to take different precautionary measures.
There are also several hernia-friendly workouts that are designed to keep you active and healthy even when you are exercising with a hernia. The key is to understand hernia and fitness guidelines and following sports hernia precautions to keep yourself safe. To help you get started, here are the most important, do’s and don’ts for physical activity with hernia.
Please note that you shouldn’t use over the counter supportive gear that’s readily available. Supportive gear for hernia is prescribed by doctors and ensured that they are the right fit for your body. Gear like a hernia belt can certainly help you during exercises as it provides additional support to the area of your hernia. Just make sure they are medically prescribed and fit you properly, otherwise using them will be of no benefit to your well being.
Low-impact workouts are still a great way to remain active and keep yourself healthy. Exercises like walking and swimming are a great way to stay healthy. They don’t take a considerable toll on your physical health and can be a great way to keep yourself healthy when you have hernia. For more information about low-impact workouts, you can discuss with your doctors and physiotherapists.
Core strengthening exercises are known to help with hernia symptoms. However, do note that these exercises need to be recommended by your physiotherapist and not self-administered. Gentle core exercises include bicycle crunches and hip thrusts. You need to perform them carefully and not put extra pressure on your body than what’s safe for you.
As mentioned in the previous point, the key is to be mindful of your body. Pushing yourself beyond what is safe for you can harm yourself and worsen your condition. Any pain or discomfort you feel while exercising should be taken seriously. Stop the exercise that hurts and be sure to speak to your doctor and physiotherapist about the pain you are experiencing.
Based on your case, the size of the hernia, doctors will be able to tell you if you should exercise or what exercises you should practise. Talking to your doctors before you start a workout regime will help you know that it won’t negatively impact your condition. You will also get the required supportive gear from the doctor to ensure that your hernia is not worsening due to your workout regime.
If it hurts, you shouldn’t do it. You may think that working out and restarting after a while can lead to pain and hurt, and that’s normal. It may be, but given you have a hernia, you shouldn’t risk it. Talk to your doctors about any discomfort and pain you are experiencing and make sure you get a clearance from them before you try that exercise again. It will significantly help you in the long run.
As mentioned earlier, low-impactness is the key when you are exercising with a hernia. If you don’t adhere to those guidelines, your conditions can worsen and lead to a lot of pain that could otherwise have been avoided. High-impact exercises like strength training, HIIT exercises, and running can be problematic when you have a hernia. So, either get a clearance from your doctor that these exercises are safe for your condition or just avoid them temporarily.
Strenuous movements can worsen your hernia symptoms. Running, squats, and sit-ups can strain your abdominal muscles, which can impact your hernia symptoms. To be safe, you should talk to your doctor regarding your condition and opt for hernia treatment before you start practicing strenuous exercises.
Regardless of the type of hernia you have, doctors will also advise you to stop lifting heavy objects when you have a hernia. It will in most cases lead to worsening in the symptoms of your hernia. Heavy lifting puts a lot of pressure on your intra-abdominal muscles and if you do it repeatedly, it has the potential to make your hernia symptoms worse.
Doctors can teach you how to push your hernia inside the abdominal cavity in some cases. Don’t try to do that yourself. It should only be done by professionals. Similarly, you should also not diagnose what exercises you can do by trial and error. Often the process of trial and error can increase your symptoms and may lead you to require immediate medical attention.
A hernia doesn't mean you have to give up your active lifestyle, but it does require you to be mindful of your physical activities. By following the do's and don’ts, you can enjoy staying active while managing your condition. Always consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine, and when in doubt, seek professional treatment at MASSH Hospital for expert care tailored to your needs.
To learn more about hernia treatment in Delhi, check out MASSH. We offer some of the best minimally invasive treatment procedures for hernia that are safe and have a quick recovery time. Visit us today to learn more and avail our world-class medical services.
Don’t let a hernia hold you back - Contact MASSH Hospital today to schedule a consultation with our experienced specialists and get on the path to recovery!
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