One of the main causes of kidney stones can be a lack of hydration. So, it would seem drinking water should be enough to pass and prevent kidney stones. While that’s true, drinking lots of water is not enough to pass kidney stones by itself. It can be a good way to prevent kidney stones.
However, if you have it, and if they are not of the operable size, there are some other natural treatment options for kidney stones alongside drinking plenty of water. So, let’s explore the various home remedies for kidney stones and also some alternative medical treatment options that can provide natural treatment for kidney stones.
If you are just starting to show symptoms of kidney stones and your symptoms are not very serious, you can avail of alternative medical treatment to get relief. These treatments can help with kidney stone removal without surgery. In some cases, if you are lucky, your stones can be passed using these natural remedies for kidney stones. However, if your symptoms don’t subside over time, you need to go visit a primary care physician or a urologist.
Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years, and some of its treatment options work wonders in treating kidney stones in their initial stages. It uses naturally found ingredients like fruits and herbs to create medicines that can treat symptoms of kidney stones. Ultimately the medicines help you pass the stones easily through your urinary tract.
These treatment options can also be used to prevent kidney stones. While it is not possible to prescribe actual ayurvedic medicines, this blog looks to provide you with food items recognised by ayurveda, which you can eat to pass your stones.
Homoeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that is popular and successful worldwide. Many people swear by homoeopathy and recover from their problems using homoeopathic treatment. While ayurveda uses natural ingredients and their nutrition to cure your ailments, homoeopathy uses highly diluted chemical substances to treat ailments.
Here are some of the common homoeopathic medicines used for treating kidney stones. Please note that self-diagnosing medication is not a good idea. If you want to get homoeopathic treatment, you should visit a doctor first.
Apart from alternative medicine, you can take things into your own hands and add certain foods to your diet to help your body process kidney stones. These food items are easily available, and regularly adding them to your diet can help you treat and prevent small kidney stones. So, let’s check out some of the popular kidney stones foods to eat. And no, water does not get a special mention in this list.
These are some of the best options for kidney stone treatment without surgery. Natural treatments for kidney stones are a great way to get rid of them from the comfort of your home. However, if you don’t see your symptoms reduce over time after using these home remedies, be sure to get medical care immediately. In most cases, patients would need to go under the knife to get treatment for complex kidney stones.
However, thanks to modern medical technology, you no longer need open surgery to treat kidney stones. Visit MASSH Hospital today, and you can avail of kidney stone treatment with minimally invasive surgery with quick recovery. Visit our website to learn more about our kidney stone treatment options.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH is a quality of life condition more than a medical one, as it has low risks of causing much bodily harm.
Written by MASSH
Jun 19, 2023