Written by MASSH
Sep 26, 2024
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects women across the world. It is a leading cause of cancer deaths in women and millions of women worldwide every year. In India, breast cancer has a high incidence rate, and it accounts for over 28% of all women’s cancer in India. Breast cancer incidence has significantly increased in India over the last few decades, and it is a leading cause of cancer death among women in lower and middle-income group families.
Breast cancer deaths are preventable, and with a timely diagnosis, it is possible to treat breast cancer and live a healthy, everyday life. There are several warning signs and breast cancer symptoms that can help patients understand their cancer risk and get the necessary medical attention to treat their cancer early. With a timely diagnosis, the chances of beating cancer and not having to go through aggressive surgical procedures increase significantly.
So, what are these breast cancer signs that patients must stay aware of? Let’s answer that, but first, let’s explore what is breast cancer and its causes.
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that originates from the breast. It is most commonly found in women, but it can also rarely affect men. Cancer involves the formation of a tumour when cells in the body mutate and rapidly multiply to form tumours. The cancerous tumours can then spread and affect different parts of the body. There are different types of breast cancer which can be used to determine its spread. Breast cancer most commonly affects women over the age of 50. However, it can also impact women under that age as well. Before you learn about the causes, let’s review the different types of breast cancer.
There are namely six types of breast cancer, among which three are common, and the others are relatively uncommon. Beyond the six types, there are also subtypes of breast cancer. With that introduction, let’s explore the various types and subtypes of breast cancer.
The subtypes of cancer are determined using their receptor cell status. Receptors can attract different substances in your blood, including hormones like oestrogen and progesterone. Both these hormones are known to help cancer cells grow and multiply. Understanding the receptor cell status of the underlying breast cancer can help doctors determine the best treatment course for patients. With that brief understanding of the different breast cancer types, let’s review the important breast cancer causes.
When cells mutate and become cancerous, it leads to the development of breast cancer. While the exact cause of why cells mutate is not clearly known as of yet, there are several risk factors that experts have identified which increase the risk of breast cancer among women. Here are some of the most important breast cancer risk factors women must be aware of.
Now that you know about the important breast cancer risk factors and causes, here are the most important breast cancer signs and symptoms that you must be aware of.
Breast cancer diagnosis begins at home with regular physical checkups that you can perform yourself. It is possible to identify the signs of breast cancer at home and get the necessary medical attention then to diagnose the condition in its early stages. It improves medical outcomes and significantly reduces the risk of cancer recurrence. Here are the signs of breast cancer that you must be aware of.
The most important sign of breast cancer is the presence of a new painless lump inside the breast. The lump can be as small as a pea or larger. It can also be painful and have round and soft edges or an irregular shape. Patients themselves can determine the presence of this lump by being aware of the way their breasts look and feel. Regularly performing self-breast examinations can be a great way to be aware of the formation of any new lumps inside the breasts.
Any significant changes to the appearance of the breast, including changes in its feel or size, can be an important indicator of breast cancer risk. While the presence of a lump in the breast can be a sign of breast cancer, statistically, new lumps reported by women in their breasts do not always relate to breast cancer.
Breast cancer can affect the nipples in different ways. One of the most common signs/risks of breast cancer is nipple retraction in women. It is a condition where the nipples turn inward instead of protruding outwards. Apart from retraction, unexplained pain in the nipples or changes in the skin of the nipple can also be an important sign of breast cancer. Changes to the skin of the nipple include the skin becoming flaky or crusty. It can also include the nipples becoming red and swollen.
Discharge from the nipples apart from breast milk can also be a sign of breast cancer and requires appropriate medical attention to understand the underlying causes. Even though all the signs mentioned above have the potential to be caused by breast cancer, they can also be caused by other conditions. It is important to get an appropriate medical diagnosis as soon as possible to understand the underlying cause of your symptoms and get the required treatment.
A timely diagnosis of breast cancer is crucial in helping patients recover and beat cancer effectively. Regular breast examinations and going through screening tests recommended by doctors can help you stay ahead of your breast cancer risks. Now that you know about the important breast cancer signs and symptoms, be sure to monitor them regularly to keep yourself safe from the condition.
For more information about breast cancer screening or to consult our experts, feel free to check out MASSH. Our experienced cancer specialists can help you understand the underlying cause of the changes you’ve noticed in your body. With our world-class care facilities, MASSH can help you treat breast cancer with highly specialised minimally invasive surgical procedures that are safe for patients and offer quick recovery and minimal risks. Check out our website or visit us today to learn more.
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