Ureteric strictures are a type of urological condition and it is a cause behind other conditions too. When it comes to specific urological conditions like ureteric strictures and bladder dysfunction, they are related because one condition can cause the other one. Most commonly, bladder dysfunction can be a symptom of ureteric strictures. So, with that being said, let’s take a look at some of the most common urological conditions and even ureteric strictures and bladder cancer to understand how strictures are related to them.
Ureteric Strictures And Bladder Dysfunction
Ureteric strictures and bladder dysfunction are related causally. One of the primary symptoms of ureteric strictures is bladder dysfunction, which can lead to difficulty urinating or even having accidental leakage, when you are trying to hold urine. This condition by itself is common among children, however, in adults, ureteric strictures cause bladder dysfunction with all its symptoms like
How does ureteric stricture cause this condition and its related symptoms? Ureteric strictures are obstructions of the ureter, which leads to improper flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. The primary symptom of ureteric strictures is the same as bladder dysfunction, making it a direct cause of the condition in adults. Difficulty urinating or maintaining a steady urine stream is difficult with strictures because the urinary tract is obstructed. This leads to difficulty in starting to urinate. As the condition progresses, it can lead to increased urinary frequency and urgency due to the pressure on the ureters. And in advanced cases, it can lead to hematuria, which causes blood to pass out of your body through urine. These are some of the ways the two conditions are connected.
Ureteric Strictures And Kidney Stones
Ureteric strictures and kidney stones have almost a direct connection because strictures can be a cause of kidney stones. How? Let’s find out. Ureteric strictures cause urine backflow into the kidneys because the ureters are obstructed by the strictures. This backflow causes stagnant urine to build up in the kidneys. The different compounds in urine like uric acid can crystalize at this point in your kidneys and create stone-like formations. Kidney stones can then create further strictures when you are passing them. It can become a cyclic condition, if not treated promptly.
Plus, kidney stones are very painful when they are inside you and also when you are passing them. It can lead to problems in the functioning of your kidneys leading to other conditions like chronic kidney disease (CKD) or even total kidney failure in some cases. If ureteric strictures are the cause behind your kidney stones, it needs to be treated first, before the stones can be passed. Once your strictures are treated, passing recurrent stones can increase your risk of getting ureteric strictures again. This is because the kidney stones can bruise the ureteral lining, which can lead to the formation of scar tissues and ureteric strictures again.
Ureteric Strictures And Urinary Tract Infections
Ureteric strictures and urinary tract infections like kidney stones are related causally. Ureteric strictures can both cause and be caused by urinary tract infections or UTIs. Recurrent urinary tract infections that are caused due to other urological conditions can cause inflammation in the ureter, which can lead to ureteric strictures. Similarly, ureteric strictures that lead to stagnant pooling of urine in the ureter can lead to urinary tract infections because the pooled urine is a conducive environment for the growth of bacteria, which cause UTIs. If you have UTIs that are causing your strictures, you need to get them treated first. Similarly, if your strictures are causing UTIs, you need to treat the strictures first. This is how it works.
Ureteric Strictures And Prostate Problems
Most of the options in this list so far are related on a causal note. However, ureteric strictures and prostate problems are not directly related. The two conditions can coexist and cause each other indirectly, but there is no link connecting the two conditions directly. This is mainly because the prostate gland is located close to the urethra or the lower urinary system and the ureters are located closer to your kidneys, which are higher up.
In men over the ages of 40, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition that leads to the abnormal growth of the prostate gland. The overgrown prostate puts pressure on the urethra and causes bladder dysfunction symptoms, similar to ureteric strictures. In certain cases, if the BPH has reached an advanced stage, it can lead to the backflow of urine into the ureter, which can increase the chances of getting ureteric strictures.
Similarly, the prostate can also be affected by prostate cancer, which can lead to ureteric strictures in two distinct ways.
Ureteric Strictures And Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is not directly related to ureteric strictures. However, ureteric strictures and bladder cancer have some connections since bladder cancer can increase your risk for ureteric strictures and even cause them in some cases. Here are three ways bladder cancer can cause or increase your risk for ureteric strictures.
Your ureters are an important part of your body, and any issue to them can cause considerable disruption of your urinary system as a whole. As you now know, ureteric strictures are related to some of the most common urological conditions and without prompt treatment, they can even put your life at risk. So, if you have the symptoms for ureteric strictures or any of the risk factors, feel free to visit MASSH. We offer holistic medical care for all types of ureteric strictures. Our minimally invasive procedures ensure that you get to recover quickly from your strictures without the risk of recurrence. For more information on our stricture treatment plans, check out our website or visit us today.
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