60 to 80 million couples worldwide suffer from problems of infertility. In India, more than 15 million couples suffer from the same problem. Doctors have studied that one in four couples in developing countries suffer from infertility problems. It should be noted infertility problems do not mean the couple is unable to conceive at all.
Fertility problems can lead to different outcomes, the most extreme of which is the inability to conceive at all for the couple. Another important note regarding fertility problems is that it is often considered a women’s health problem. However, male infertility is also just as common as female infertility and it is not spoken about enough.
As a responsible adult, you must be aware of the health risks your lifestyle may pose to your body’s fertility. So, let’s review the different lifestyle factors affecting fertility. We will also learn about fertility diet and exercise for fertility to understand the impact and importance of proper lifestyle and dietary habits for fertility and general wellness.
Several lifestyle habits play an essential role in your body’s fertility. From not getting enough exercise to an unhealthy diet everything impacts your body’s functioning and even your fertility. Here are some of the most common factors that affect your fertility and how you can fix them yourself.
Lifestyle Habits
Not getting enough sleep at night, drinking too much alcohol, and smoking. These are lifestyle habits that can have a profound effect on your health and fertility for both men and women. Here’s an analysis of the effects of these habits on your fertility.
Unhealthy Diet
An unhealthy diet has several health consequences, including affecting your fertility. Often couples who require fertility treatment are required to opt for a better diet first. Having a balanced meal, eliminating excess sugar and salt from your diet, and adding the right amount of protein can make all the difference to your health. For your fertility, specifically an unhealthy or unbalanced diet can increase your risk of infertility many times. This is because the low calorific value of your diet can hinder physiological processes from working out. A healthy diet reduces your risk of other chronic diseases that can impact your fertility too like hypertension, obesity, PCOD/PCOS, and diabetes.
Irregular Physical Exercise
Physical exercise is one of the most important aspects of living a healthy life as you age. Due to the modern lifestyle becoming mostly sedentary, physical exercise has become increasingly important to maintain a healthy body. From light aerobic exercises and yoga to cardio exercises and strength training, the key is to work out the different muscle groups in your body while raising your heart rate.
This practice keeps your body safe from the risk of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and diabetes, while also keeping your reproductive system working appropriately. Without regular workouts, people tend to be at a higher risk of obesity. This condition leads to hormonal changes in the body as well as a higher risk of infertility. If you have a highly demanding physical job, exercising separately won’t be necessary, if you maintain a healthy diet. However, if you have a sitting job, exercising at least 10 minutes daily is crucial to keep yourself healthy.
Stress & Other Mental Health Issues
Stress and symptoms of depression have an impact on your health and fertility. Studies have shown women with depression and anxiety are much more likely to experience infertility compared to ones who are not depressed. Even if women opt for in-vitro fertilization, conditions like stress can reduce their chances of conception. So, for female fertility stress management is imperative. Apart from the direct relation to infertility, stress also causes conditions like hypertension and other health conditions, which can cause hormonal changes that increase your risk of infertility.
For men, stress can cause conditions like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. These conditions can increase your risk of infertility if left untreated. A healthy mind along with a healthy body is crucial to increase your chances of conceiving. That is why doctors recommend counseling, therapy, or physical exercise to people with sexual health and infertility problems to improve their symptoms.
Environmental Exposures
There are chemicals and metals exposure to which can increase your risk of infertility. Radioactive materials, and heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and cadmium are all around us. There are several professions that require people to be in close contact with these compounds. Repeated environmental exposure to these compounds can have a lasting effect on the reproductive system of both men and women. If you are in a profession that requires close contact with such compounds, it is imperative to maintain every possible safety protocol to maintain your health and safety.
Lifestyle factors are often ignored due to the pressures of life. However, they have a profound impact on your health, which a lot of people don’t always know. So, if any of the lifestyle factors mentioned in this article apply to you, please try to change them to improve your health.
For more information about infertility and fertility treatment in Delhi, visit our website. We at MASSH offer extensive modern treatment options for couples with fertility problems. Our treatments are discrete and effective at helping you treat underlying health conditions. Visit us today to consult with our specialists and get the diagnosis you need for a healthier future.