Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer for women above the age of 50. It is also known as the most common type of cancer among human beings. In India over 28% of all female cancer is breast cancer with yearly cases crossing over two lakhs. With the number of cancer cases increasing rapidly in India due to various factors, it is important to spread awareness regarding living with cancer.
Though breast cancer has an almost perfect five year survival rate, it is important to note that a cancer diagnosis is still extremely scary. However, there are various resources and help available that can help you cope with the condition while you go through breast cancer treatment.
To help you go through the journey of cancer treatment gracefully, here is a detailed look at the all the information you will need for living with breast cancer.
The science behind breast cancer treatment has improved over the years. However, there are still several body changes and side effects people go through during and after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. These changes are not irreversible and with perseverance and medical care, it is possible to reverse the physical changes caused by breast cancer. Here are the most common conditions that women go through after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Hair loss is one of the most prominent symptoms of cancer and it applies to women going through breast cancer. Patients often report hair falling out in chunks over time. This is mostly caused due to a treatment of breast cancer known as chemotherapy. It can lead to light hair thinning to complete hair loss over time. It is important to note that the hair loss is not permanent and new hair can grow back after the treatment is completed. If it affects your mental health, you can speak to your doctors regarding hair loss or opt for wigs or scarves to help yourself during this period.
Early onset menopause can be caused by breast cancer treatment. This is mainly for younger women who have breast cancer and go through its treatment. Medical treatment options like chemotherapy or hormonal replacement therapy can lead to early onset menopause in women. This condition is signified by symptoms like hot flashes, loss of libido, and vaginal dryness. If you are undergoing these symptoms, you can talk to your doctor regarding the possibility of permanent menopause onset. In some cases, these symptoms can subside after the cancer treatment is completed. Opt for counselling or talk to other women who have gone through menopause to cope with the early onset.
Breast cancer treatment often involves going through surgeries like mastectomy or breast conserving surgery. These surgeries can alter the way you look and they can have lasting effects on your mental health. Medical treatment is available today to help you reduce the scarring and even go for cosmetic surgeries such as breast implants. These physical changes can be permanent and it is important to understand the impact these changes can have on your body, before going through the treatment. It will help you cope more easily with the treatment once you go through it.
Breast cancer treatment can have an impact on your fertility. You need to talk to your doctors regarding the fertility risk of your treatment before you go through it. With the right planning and medical help, you will be able to mitigate your fertility risk before going through the treatment. Doctors can help you decide if egg freezing is right for you as it will still allow you to have children in the future.
Along with your physical changes, a cancer diagnosis can be a difficult thing to cope with mentally. This is all the more true for people who have followed reasonable cancer prevention methods and have followed a healthy lifestyle throughout. Some of the most common symptoms of mental health symptoms after a breast cancer diagnosis are depression, anxiety, anger, and shock along with intense feelings of sadness.
The most important thing to remember is the isolation you feel following should not be allowed to take over your mind. You must speak to people you love and find the right support groups to help yourself not get sucked into depressive feelings. With the right help and appropriate support from family, loved ones, and support groups, you too can improve your mental health and go through treatment one day at a time.
Breast cancer treatment can be expensive based on the severity of the cancer, its spread, and its effects on the other parts of your health. If you are struggling financially to meet the cost of cancer treatment, it is essential that you get in touch with support groups and cancer treatment foundations. They offer financial help for people struggling to go through cancer treatment. Apart from that, you also need to plan your finances accordingly to ensure you have enough financial stability to support yourself through and after the treatment when trying to get back to your life. The financial burden of cancer diagnosis and treatment is not often talked about and it is equally important to manage to ensure a safe recovery from cancer.
Professionally it is expected you will need to take a break to go through breast cancer treatment properly. Women often force themselves to work through treatment as it allows them to feel normal. However, it is important to be realistic and not let your mind push your body too far. It can have an adverse effect on your health and lead to delayed physical response to cancer treatment.
Childcare and managing your personal relationships at a difficult time in your life can be challenging. It is advisable that you take all the help you can get in this regard to manage your life and responsibilities better. There are various government and non-government resources available to help patients go through their treatments easily. Check out your local government and other resources that offer help and counselling to breast cancer patients in maintaining their personal life and responsibilities.
Several non-government help resources exist in India for breast cancer awareness and financial support for patients. Some of the top organisations include the Indian Cancer Society, Maina Foundation, Breast Cancer India, and Impact Guru. You can connect with them to avail critical help both financially and emotionally to help you better cope and manage breast cancer. For more information about breast cancer support in India, feel free to connect with us at MASSH. We can help you find the best support groups and medical treatment options for breast cancer.
If you are in Delhi, and looking for “oncologists near me” online, you must check out MASSH. We are one of the top cancer care hospitals in the city, and we work with the top oncologists in Delhi. We can help you get appropriate cancer care while helping you cope with the side effects of the treatment, thanks to our holistic and functional medicine approach. To get a second opinion from our specialists and avail of our modern treatment breast cancer treatment procedures, feel free to visit us today.
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